같은 '빨리빨리'가 아닌 accelerate vs. expedite🏃♀💨(초중급을 구분 짓는 뉘앙스 차이)
1: embrace: (생각, 제의 등을 열렬히)받아들이다, 포용하다
- Aging is inevitable. We should just embrace it.
2: accelerate: 가속화하다, 속도를 높이다
- The deadline is approaching. We need to accelerate things.
3: run out of: ~가 바닥나다/다 떨어지다
- We're running out of time
#1: embrace: (생각, 제의 등을 열렬히)받아들이다, 포용하다
*Vocabulary.com: to welcome it with open arms, hold, accept completely
특히 aging, challenge, pain, chaos등 선뜻 받아들이기 힘든 사실을 온전히 받아들일 때 자주 씀
And you know what?
We have lines, and that's okay.
You have to embrace yourself, embrace your age.
Aging is inevitable.
We should just embrace it.
*inevitable: 불가피한, 반드시 있는, 당연한
<회사를 접어야 하는 상황을 그냥 받아들이자며>
- I don't accept that.
- Why not embrace this?
We'll be a killer family office.
We can downsize the staff.
embrace vs. accept
accept = 받아들이다
embrace = 있는 그대로 온전히 받아들이고 최대한 그 상황을 좋게 보려 할 때
*옥스퍼드 사전: To accept is to believe or come to recognize an opinion, explanation, etc. as valid or correct or even to tolerate or submit to something unpleasant or undesired.
To embrace is to accept a belief, theory, or change willingly and enthusiastically.
물론 그게 말처럼 쉽진 않지만..
It's not as easy as it sounds.
<도전이나 어려움이 있을 때 도망가지 않고 받아들인다며>
And with hard work and determination, make the impossible a reality.
Because Americans don't run from challenges.
We embrace them.
<운동이든 인생에서든 아픔/고통을 받아들이고 포용하라며>
- Embrace the pain.
But this isn't a workout or anything.
- Embrace the pain.
Go ahead. Feel awful for a minute.
Then use it. That's how I won my medal.
- Change is inevitable. We should just embrace it.
<나이가 들수록 인생의 변화를 따라가기 힘들지만 위험을 무릅쓰면 그만큼 보상도 크니 새로운 경험을 받아들이라며>
The older we get, the harder it is to keep up with life's changes.
But there are huge rewards when we take risks, embrace new experiences.
inevitable 불가피한, 반드시 있는, 당연한
*옥스퍼드 사전: certain to happen; unavoidable.
<(이별 후) 어차피 언젠간 일어날 일이었다며>
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, it hadn't been working for quite a while.
This was inevitable.
A: John's so weird.
B: Well, we have to embrace him. He's our manager.
At least, he has a good heart.
<우리 아이를 있는 그대로 포용해줘야 한다며>
Well, I guess we need to embrace the kid we have.
Like you said, whatever he wants to do, we'll support him.
#2: accelerate: 가속화하다, 속도를 높이다
*캠브릿지 사전: to go faster or make something go faster
: to move more quickly, or to make something happen faster or sooner.
좀 더 빨리, 속도를 내야 될 때
The deadline is approaching.
We need to accelerate things.
<원래 일정보다 더 빨리 진행시키라며>
- What do you want me to do?
- We have to accelerate things.
We need to accelerate the pace before it's too late.
<더 빨리 전개되도록 부채질할 수 있냐며>
- How fast? - Depends.
- Can you accelerate it?
They are running out of patience.
We need to accelerate the timeline.
<중단하게 둘 수는 없으니 일정을 앞당겨 18시간 안에 완전히 가동되게 하라며>
- We've invested too much in this project to let Vance shut it down.
Accelerate the timeline.
I need you fully operational in 18 hours.
- I don't think that's possible.
Make it possible.
expedite 더 신속히 처리하다
accelerate은 속도 자체를 높이는 것에 초점,
expedite은 좀 더 넓은 의미로 일을 더 빨리, 효율적으로 처리하기 위한 방법을 알아내거나 조치를 취하는 것에 추첨
<암의 전이속도를 얘기할 때도>
- The cancer's spreading?
- Well, we knew this could happen, but this does accelerate things.
- Come on, just give it to me straight.
- I would give you two, maybe three more months.
<상대를 향한 마음이 커지는 속도가 유지되는게 아니라 점점 더 빨라진다며>
- Is that growth linear or accelerating?
- Accelerating. - Oh, maybe we can graph it out.
Could you expedite the shipping?
I really need it by Friday.
With expedited shipping, that should arrive Wednesday morning.
We're running out of time.
We have to expedite the process.
<나머지 과정은 서두르지 않고 좀 더 신중했으면 한다며>
We hope the rest of the process will be less expedited, more prudent.
<더 빨리 승인 받기 위해 내가 얘기할 사람이나, 할 수 있는 게 따로 있냐며>
What is taking so long?
What can I do to expedite the approvals?
#3: run out of (돈, 시간, 기름, 인내심 등) ~가 바닥나다/다 떨어지다
*Collins 사전: to use up a supply of something
I'm running out of: ~가 바닥나가/다 써가
I ran out of: ~가 바닥났어/다 썼어
품위 있게 짜증, 경고 할 때
I'm running out of patience.
서둘러야 될 때
We're running out of time.
= Time's running out.
- I don't think that's a good idea.
- Didn't you hear me? We're running out of time.
선택지가 다 떨어져 갈 때
We're running out of options.
I'm running out of options, so please put me on the team.
돈이 다 떨어졌을 때
I ran out of money.
We ran out of eggs.
우리 계란 다 먹었어/계란 없어.
- Where are you going?
- I ran out of milk.
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